Myopia Control in Bolton & Richmond Hill

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Keep Your Child’s Future in Focus

Myopia is a refractive error also known as nearsightedness that makes distant objects appear blurry while nearby objects remain clear. It’s one of the most common vision problems in Canada, affecting nearly 30% of Canadians

Myopia generally begins in the early school-age years, worsens throughout the adolescent years, and stabilizes around age 20. Myopia is associated with some eye diseases, and since it’s becoming more common worldwide, there’s a great deal of research into methods to delay it. 

At IndividualEyes, we offer kid-friendly myopia control methods designed to slow the progression of this vision problem. If you have questions about your child’s vision, please give us a call. We’re always happy to help.

What Is High Myopia? 

Myopia occurs when the eyes grow too long or the cornea’s curve becomes too steep. A child’s eyes normally grow until they reach the expected length, then stop. But occasionally, a child’s eyes continue to grow. 

Since the eyes grow most rapidly in early childhood, children who develop myopia around ages 6 to 8 have a greater chance of having high myopia

High myopia is defined as a level of nearsightedness that requires –5 dioptres or more of correction. While this generally means a higher eyeglass prescription, it also means your child is at a higher risk for:

Myopia Control at IndividualEyes

Myopia control is intended to slow myopia progression in children and prevent the development of these sight-threatening eye diseases. There are 4 approved methods of myopia control. At IndividualEyes, we offer orthokeratology, soft multifocal contact lenses, MiyoSmart lenses in addition to behavioural advice.


Orthokeratology (ortho-k or corneal reshaping lenses) are custom-fitted, rigid gas permeable contact lenses designed to correct and slow myopia. They’re worn overnight and gently reshape the cornea during sleep. When the lenses are removed in the morning, your child should have clear vision without wearing glasses or contact lenses.

MiyoSmart lenses are specialty eyeglass lenses developed by Hoya based on peripheral defocus (blurring side vision) to slow myopia progression. Just like single vision lenses, MiyoSmart lenses can be fitted to children of any age.

Based on a 2-year clinic trial, these lenses are proven to curb myopia progression by an average of 60%.

Our Locations

Richmond Hill

Come by our beautiful Richmond Hill location on Tower Hill Road just down from William Neal Community Park. We’re right between Tower Hill-Bathurst Animal Hospital and Aviva Nails, and there’s lots of parking available.

  • 9-372 Tower Hill Road
  • Richmond Hill, ON L4E 0T8


Find our Bolton location downtown in a unique century house on the corner of King Street West and Ann Street, right across from the Lavender Rose Day Spa and down from Tim Hortons. We have reserved parking for our patients at the rear of our building.

  • 30 Martha Street, Unit 203
  • Bolton, ON L7E 5V1

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